November 2023
Hello Neighbor!
It is snowing as I write this post, and yet we are still in the middle of what has been a beautiful fall! I have been enjoying the colors this year, which seem more vibrant than in years past. Either way, I am very thankful.
It is the month when gratitude expands, and here in my office, I am very grateful to my staff, who continue to work so hard answering calls, responding to constituents, and making sure that people know how to find us when they need us. Denise, Nan, Ozzy, Alexis, and Emily truly know the meaning of service.
We just completed our third annual diaper drive, and we had even more locations than last year. I bought a big box of diapers and a box of wipes, and the bill came to more than $75.00. The amount I bought would probably last about a month for a family with one child in diapers; however, I was surprised to see the amount. It’s been a while since I needed to buy diapers. Every diaper we collect will go a long way toward helping a family in need.
We have been asked about adult diapers, and yes, we were able to collect those as well. The food pantries serve all ages.
This is the final week of the veto session. If you have specific questions about any bills we may hear, let me know. Last week, the Senate passed several bills. There are also a handful of bills that were vetoed by the governor. You can see the list below. The other big issue we will be discussing is the Invest in Kids Act. It is set to expire at the end of this year.
Some groups are calling it a scholarship program and saying that the General Assembly is ending it. That is not true. The scholarship programs will continue, and individuals can continue to donate money to private schools to give scholarships based on income eligibility. The only thing we are changing is the 75% tax credit that is currently given. The bill that is expiring is for the tax credit, not the scholarship.
This bill was something that happened before my time in the General Assembly.
Lastly, I am grateful to all of you for trusting me to represent you in Springfield.
It is a true honor to serve.
Governor Veto
The act of the governor completely rejecting the entire bill
Governor Pritzker vetoed the following bills:
Removes the moratorium on new construction of nuclear power plants to allow for the construction of advanced and traditional large-scale nuclear reactors in Illinois.
Involves changes to e-verify. However, the governor issued a veto at the request of the bill sponsors due to bill drafting errors, which would’ve put employees’ privacy at risk.
Requires the Illinois State Board of Education to enter into a statewide education master contract to provide religious dietary options to all Illinois school districts.
Amendatory Veto
Rejecting specific provisions or lines of a bill
Governor Pritzker issued an amendatory veto on the following bills:
Provides property tax relief for surviving spouses of first responders and other technical changes. It is important to note that the governor supports this measure. However, the governor issued an amendatory veto that would’ve given private nursing homeowners in Cook County a tax break. Gov. Pritzker rejected this line to ensure that costs remain low for residents and local schools.
Allows the creation of public-private partnerships with counties, municipalities, and any other unit of local government. The governor issued an amendatory veto since there will be no anti-corruption oversight of these partnerships.
Is an omnibus energy bill that makes changes to the Adjustable Block Grant program to make it more available to public schools. However, the governor rejected a proposal that would allow utility providers in the MISO region to raise rates for ratepayers. Ameren ratepayers would be charged higher costs under this omnibus legislation.
If a veto was issued to a bill, the bill requires a ⅗ vote of Representatives in the General Assembly to override the veto. If an amendatory veto is issued, the General Assembly needs only a simple majority to agree with the changes. If they do not like the governor’s amendatory veto, then they must need a ⅗ majority vote to override the veto.
3rd Annual Diaper Drive
As I prepare this newsletter, we are finishing up with the collection of diapers from the 3rd Annual Diaper Drive! The response has been overwhelming! Thank you to CBS 2 News Chicago for sharing this event! This year, the donations will be shared with local hometown food pantries, including the D300 Food Pantry, Algonquin Lake in the Hills Food Pantry, and the Crystal Lake Food Pantry. Follow my social media for updates!
Youth Leadership Council
Leadership is about showing up, and our leaders in the House do!
I would like to extend a big thank you to my colleague, Leader Barbara Hernandez, for driving to my district office and attending my Youth Leadership Council. She gave insight into the bill-making process and was generous with her time listening to the thoughts and ideas of the group. We discussed Columbus Day, environmental legislation, and ways to make your voice heard.
If you know a teen who would like to join my Youth Leadership Council,
please call my office at 224-484-8620.
Mobile Office Hours
Do you need help with unemployment resources, navigating state agencies, and mental health resources? My office can help.
Come say hi at my next mobile office.
Tuesday, November 14th
10:00 am to Noon
Gail Borden Library – Rakow Branch – Elgin
End of Year Town Hall
I look forward to sharing veto session updates, district updates, and constituent services and answering your questions. I hope you can join us at one of our upcoming town hall sessions:
Monday, November 27th
6:30 pm Crystal Lake Library – Crystal Lake, IL
Tuesday, November 28th
6:30 pm Fox River Valley Library – East Dundee, IL
Reach out to my office with any questions: info@repsnessil66.com or 224-484-8620.
LITH PD receives Tier 2 Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program
Congratulations to the Lake in the Hills Police Department for their Tier 2 Illinois Law Enforcement Accreditation Program (ILEAP) accreditation this year! Tier 2 ILEAP accreditation recognizes the Lake in the Hills PD for its enhanced professionalism, greater transparency, accountability, public trust, and community engagement.
I wanted to share an update on the much-anticipated Long Meadow Bridge. Now that funding has been secured to fund the extension and keep it TOLL-FREE, the project has moved back into the construction phase of the unopened bridge (Rt. 31 to Rt. 25). Excavation and disposal of special waste and non-special waste is underway and is expected to be complete in Spring 2024. The contract to pave the final section from Sandbloom /William Road east to the Bolz Road Connector is anticipated to start construction in Spring 2024 and is expected to be completed in late 2024. After this final contract, we will open the road and the new bridge over the Fox River to traffic in late 2024.
Kane County Clerk’s
New Voting Equipment Demonstrations
The Kane County Clerk’s Office is offering public demonstrations of new voter equipment at a series of events at libraries and community centers across Kane County over the next two months. These machines will be used during the March 2024 General Primary Election.
Career and Pathway Exploration Fair
District 300 will host a Career and Path Exploration Fair on Thursday, November 9th, from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Jacobs High School field house, located at 2601 Bunker Hill Drive in Algonquin. As manufacturing remains an important industry, I am excited to see this event take place right here, in the district. The event is intended for current Eighth Graders and Freshmen, but all students are welcome.
Haligus Road Park in Lakewood
This soon-to-be-constructed park was awarded $600,000 through an Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grant (OSLAD)- funded through the State of Illinois. The park site is 10 acres and will feature many exciting features, such as a splash pad, demonstration garden, recreation field, and much more!
Thank you to Senator Don DeWittte and his staff for inviting me to the Attorney General’s workshop on senior fraud. It was very informative and well-attended. If you suspect you’ve been a victim of fraud, contact my office at 224-484-8620 or the Attorney General’s consumer protection hotline at 1-800-386-5438.
I recently attended the ribbon cutting for the Kane County Teachers Credit Union branch located inside Village Fresh Market at 350 Lake Marian Road, Carpentersville.
My staff and I visited the tour in Huntley and Elgin. I am proud to be a strong supporter of local manufacturing here in my district and in Illinois. The future of manufacturing in our area is limitless, as school districts are ramping up their efforts to provide students with the tools they need to succeed in this important industry.
See where else we could be found in October
(click on the links below)
Staff recently attended Centro de Informacion’s Gala to honor and celebrate the agency’s 51 years of dedicated service to the Hispanic community in the northwest suburbs.
It was such a delight to attend the Annual Illinois Chamber Luncheon in Oak Brook. The Illinois Chamber advocates for businesses across the state and provides much in the way of economic development. It was a pleasure to see my colleagues from both sides of the aisle.
The new Legacy HC center is a beautiful space that cares for lower-income individuals and families. The staff have done a wonderful job creating a bright, friendly atmosphere that truly makes people feel cared for. Congratulations to the Legacy HC administration and staff on your ribbon cutting. Thank you for the invitation, and keep up the good work!
It was impressive to see how many local manufacturers from our local communities attended this event. I am looking forward to ensuring that this important industry grows and provides more economic development in our community.
My staff attended the fair to learn more about the ways employers and organizations are helping community members with disabilities. He learned about approaches our office and others can take to support these non-profit organizations and community members.
My staff attended the fair to learn more about the ways employers and organizations are helping community members with disabilities. He learned about approaches our office and others can take to support these non-profit organizations and community members.
Ecker Center/Northern Illinois Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry
Tuesday, Nov 21
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Buena Vista Apartments
1287 Fleetwood Dr.,
Elgin, IL 60123 (Behind Building 1213)
Wednesday, Nov 22
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Carpentersville Public Works Facility
1075 Tamarac Dr.
Carpentersville, IL 60110
McHenry County Department of Health
Free Mammograms and Free Breast Exams
Free Breast Exams & Mammograms for Eligible Women
McHenry County’s IBCCP (Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program) offers no-cost breast exams and mammograms!
Free services are available if you are…
• Living in McHenry County
• Between 21 and 64 years old
• Uninsured, underinsured, or are insured with a high deductible
To schedule your free breast exam and mammogram, please contact McHenry County’s IBCCP at (815) 334-0232. Enrollment services are provided at 100 N. Virginia Street in Crystal Lake.
Affordable Connectivity Program
Thanks to President Joe Biden’s Infrastructure Law, families are gaining access to the broadband they need for work, school, healthcare, and more. Eligible households can receive a monthly discount for internet service and a one-time discount for a personal tech device.
The Federal Communication Commission’s Affordable Connectivity Program provides eligible households $30/month off internet bills, in addition to a one-time discount of up to $100 on personal devices.
Courtesy of Hoof Woof & Meow
Meet Parker
Hi! I’m Parker. I’m a handsome 57-pound 1-year-old male pup. I’m a compact, friendly youngster who loves going on dog-friendly adventures with my foster family. I’m great in the car and with other dogs. They tell me I am possibly a lab/terrier mix, which may be why I have short legs. I am up to date on age-appropriate vaccinations, microchipped, and neutered. I’d love for you to be my forever family.