March 2024
Hello Neighbor!
This year I’m adopting the term “March Madness” to describe our weather! While it feels like Spring, I know it’s too soon to pull out the patio furniture and gardening tools. That’s ok because I am busy working on legislation that will help senior citizens afford their homes (HB3054), create more oversight for renters who get their water billed through property management companies (HB4090), ensure that vulnerable Illinoisians are protected from predatory caregivers who use marriage to exploit the people they care for (HB4444), and end the yearly driving test requirement for drivers over 75 with good driving records (HB4431). I’m also working on legislation that would start to curb harmful plastics in our environment (HB4448), make meaningful changes to the Community and mental health act (HB4541), and create a Career and Technical Education Task Force within the State Board of Education (HB4473).
My office continues to get constituent calls helping people navigate the red tape of State agencies, and we continue to be out in our Community! I had the best time handing out handmade Valentine’s Day cards to healthcare workers at Sherman Hospital! The Hospital Association has shared that this year every hospital in our region has experienced an increase of aggressive behaviors toward healthcare workers. Taking a little time to remind people that the work they do is recognized and appreciated, is a small way to help counter the challenging parts of the job. My office teamed up with Representative Moeller’s Office and it was a wonderful event!
See below for more news about our great district! I remain humbled and honored to be able to serve and I look forward to lots of debate and conversation as we work on tough issues this Spring session in Springfield. If you have any questions about bills, reach out to my office. I’d love to hear from you.
Intern Shout-Out
What do you do on a Friday night when you have Crystal Lake South High School students who work in your office part time and do theater at school?
Plan a team outing of course!
Governor Pritzker
Annual Budget Address
Building on five years of fiscal progress, Governor Pritzker’s sixth balanced budget proposal continues on the path of fiscal responsibility, introduces new investments in healthcare accessibility and equity, and builds on Illinois’ historic progress in education and economic development. Click on the link below to view my official statement on the budget address.
3rd Annual Healthcare for Heroes
Valentine Day Event
February 14th marked our 3rd Annual Healthcare Heroes Valentine Day Distribution to the fabulous healthcare workers in our community. My staff and I, along with Representative Anna Moeller’s office, shared community created valentines with the staff at Advocate Sherman Hospital. We are grateful for all the healthcare workers who are present at the most vulnerable moments for patients, often at the expense of time with their own family. Sharing cards and flowers is a small gesture to let them know that they are noticed and truly appreciated.
The creative and fun cards were created by: Patrons of the Fox River Valley Public Library, Boys & Girls Club of Dundee Township, Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association (NISRA – McHenry County), Crystal Lake High School, Sunny Hill Elementary School in Barrington, and St. Edward’s Catholic Preparatory Academy in Elgin. And thank you to constituent Susan M. for her beautiful handmade cards.
This card, which was randomly selected, contained a riddle. “What did the lightbulb say to the other lightbulb on Valentine’s Day? I love you a watts!” The lightbulbs were shaped like hearts- the person I gave it to turned out to be the facilities manager! He deals with lightbulbs all day long!
One of my favorite cards showed a predator fish and it said “You’re a Catch!”
The nurse we gave it to loved it!
Shari D’Shazo, hospital President, and her amazing team knew everyone who walked by us. Shari is a great leader.
It was so fun making people smile as they read the cards. The kids hand made cards are so creative- hearts in all sorts of shapes, and many messages of thanks for taking care of us.
Touring the Towns
Throughout the month of March I will be taking some time to visit and tour local organizations and businesses to learn more about services available to constituents. I look forward to touring Gigi’s Playhouse (McHenry), Crystal Lake Park District, Encore Assisted Living, Clearbrook, Kane County Government Center and Carpentersville Public Works Facility. Reach out to my office if you’d like to share your information on your organization or business!
Staff Birthday Celebrations
When you are celebrating three birthdays for three great staff members nothing says thank you better than flowers from a local business. Larkin Floral exceeded my expectations. Thank you Larkin Floral!
Our first Coffee & BINGO will be held Wednesday, March 27th at the Dundee Township Park District Adult Activities Center. Join me for coffee at 8:30 am and stay for BINGO beginning at 9:30 am.
Scholarship Opportunities
Dundee Township Rotary Club Scholarship Applications are now available. We will be awarding scholarships on May 7, 2024. You must be a resident of Dundee Township or attend school in Dundee Township. There are three applications: Dundee Township Academic, Dundee Township Vocational, and District 6440 Vocational. If you have any questions, please email DundeeRotaryScholarship@gmail.com
Springfield was very busy within the first two months of the session. Almost 6,000 bills have been filed in the House! The discussions regarding these bills and the Governor’s budget proposal have only begun. Below are highlights from two of the bills I have either introduced or co-sponsored for this legislative session. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact my office via email: info@repsnessil66.com.
No Road Test for People Over 75
This bill will end the driving test requirement for people over the age of 75 to renew their license. There are many preconceived notions that older drivers cause more car crashes than any other age, however, according to data from the Illinois Department of Transportation, drivers over the age of 75 have been involved in the least amount of car crashes compared to any other age bracket. The younger the driver, the more likely they will be involved in or cause a car crash. Therefore, it would make sense to end the driving test requirement for drivers over the age of 75, as Illinois is the only state in the entire nation to require such thing. Ending the driving test for drivers over 75 contributes to a fairer and more respectful system for our elders and maintains their mobility and independence. There are more effective ways to determine whether a senior is fit to drive, through regular medical or vision assessments.
This bill creates a Career and Technical Education Task Force within the State Board of Education. The goal of this task force is to examine how to involve more students in technical education, and to ensure meetings every three months among the task force board members. I support the expansion of Career and Technical Education (CTE) opportunities for high school students. CTE programs offer invaluable hands-on experiences that equip students with practical skills and offer alternatives to traditional academic routes. By expanding CTE opportunities, we empower students to explore their passions and easily transition into the workforce or pursue higher education. This also contributes to building a more skilled and adaptable workforce, which also aligns with the evolving demands of our economy.
If you would like to know more about the additional bills I have submitted or
co-sponsored in the house, click the button below.
Pads of Elgin Stars Dance
Winter Harvest Gala
I attended the Elgin Pads Gala on Saturday, January 27th. Congratulations to Dancing Star winners, Tia & TK Aagesen! I was happy to support PADS of Elgin, Inc.
It is dancing for a great event!
Family Service Associates of Elgin Reception
Family Service Associates of Elgin (FSA) had a reception for Bernadette May to thank her for her leadership and work advancing the mental health needs of children and families. I wish her the best in her next endeavor. Join me in welcoming Janeth Barba as the new Executive Director. I look forward to working with FSA as they continue the important work they do.
Northwestern Medicine Huntley Hospital Tour
I had the opportunity to tour the Northwestern Medicine Huntley Hospital and see all that they have to offer to our community.
I was impressed by the state of the art facilities and the attention and care they give to their patients and the opportunities for growth that exist. Thank you Northwestern Medicine for inviting me to tour your hospital.
I was glad to see so many of my fellow legislators at the Clearbrook breakfast. We learned first hand the importance of ensuring that the workforce cares for individuals with disabilities and continues to advocate for those in our community.
In addition, you can find more of our office
visits and events by clicking the FB links.
NKCC Women in Business Luncheon
Our office had a great time attending the Northern Kane County Chamber of Commerce Wonen in Business Luncheon. Thank you to OTTO Engineering, Inc for a great tour of their facility!
McHenry County Council of Governments Annual Legislative Dinner
Crystal Lake did a great job hosting the McHenry County Council of Governments annual legislative dinner at Jude’s. I appreciated hearing directly from local leaders about the 2024 legislative and transportation priorities.
Crystal Lake State of the Community Luncheon
It was good to hear from the Crystal Lake Mayor and Lakewood Village President to learn all the great things happening in the community. As a resident of Crystal Lake I am happy with the leadership and focus on the future.
DCEO and IMEC Launch “Made in Illinois” Grant Program to Boost Manufacturing
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is partnering with the Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center (IMEC) to create the Made in Illinois grant program. A total of $1 million in funding has been allocated to this program, which will provide up to $50,000 in matching grant funding to small and mid-sized Illinois manufacturers. Through the matching fund grants, Illinois manufacturers can meet growing market demands and expand their businesses.
To be eligible for the grants, companies must be operational in Illinois for over three years and employ between five and 250 people. This grant will be accepting applications through March 31st.
Illinois Department of Aging (IDOA)
Benefit Access Program
The Benefit Access Program offers two benefits for seniors and persons with disabilities:
· A license plate fee Discount
· Free rides on fixed- Route transit systems
Age Requirements:
• 65 years of age or older before January 1 of the current year; or
• You must be 65 years of age this year; or
• You must be 16 years of age or older before January 1 of the current year and qualify as disabled.
If you have already renewed your license plate sticker and paid full price, and are now part of the Benefit Access Program, you may be eligible to request a refund Call the Secretary of State’s Office at 800-252-8980 for more information.
El Programa de Acceso a Beneficios ofrece dos beneficios a los adultos mayores y a las personas con discapacidades:
Requisitos relativos a la edad:
•Tener 65 años o más antes del 1 de enero del año actual.
•O bien, cumplir 65 años este año.
•O bien, tener 16 años o más antes del 1 de enero del año actual y reunir los requisitos relativos a la discapacidad.
Courtesy of Hoof Woof & Meow
Meet Stormy
Stormy is a seven-month-old Terrier Mix puppy with a vibrant personality. Stormy is a smart girl who quickly adapts to routines, loves giving kisses, and enjoys playing outside and snuggling on the couch. Stormy thrives on routines, aiming to be a good girl in everything she does. Like any youngster, she could use some assistance with basic obedience, such as leash walking. Stormy is a social butterfly when it comes to other furry friends. Whether it’s playtime or a cozy nap with a fellow canine companion, she’s always up for four-legged fun. Stormy still has some puppy behavior, so she will need a family who understands and will continue to guide her on being a good canine citizen.
Meet Jasper
Jasper is a young adult kitty that loves attention and talking to his foster family. He’s a handsome young man that would benefit from a patient family who will let him get comfortable at his own pace. Once acclimated, Jasper has one of the loudest purrs you have ever heard. Jasper loves belly rubs and playing with the resident cat. Jasper is learning how to play with toys. He doesn’t like pup companionship, so no dogs in his forever home.