Education Services Extended for Students with Special Needs

Gov. Pritzker Signs Legislation Expanding Equity and Increasing Opportunity for Special Needs Students
Expanding equity and fairness for special needs students, Governor JB Pritzker signed HB 40 and HB 2748 into law, allowing special education students to continue attending school through the end of the school year in which they turn 22. The package also allows special needs students who recently turned 22 and were impacted by COVID-19 to remain eligible for educational services up to the end of the regular 2021-2022 school year.

Education services extended for students with special needs
“The intent of this bill is really to regain some of that learning that was lost because of circumstances created by the pandemic,” said Rep. Suzanne Ness, a Crystal Lake Democrat and the lead sponsor of the bill in the House. “Zoom classes were particularly difficult for this cohort of students and their families, and they were left with less options as a result. This bill will extend that and give more opportunities to students to regain some of that learning loss, just like is going to happen for every other student in general education.”

Ness Backs Legislation Supporting Students with Developmental Disabilities
State Rep. Suzanne Ness, recently helped pass two bills that work to remove certain barriers that students with developmental disabilities and their families face.

“Illinois has a multitude of resources available to children with developmental disabilities and their families, but some parents may not be aware of the resources that are available to them,” said Ness. “The PUNS database registers individuals who want or need developmental disability waiver services, and while many schools already provide families with information on how to register with PUNS, legislation we passed will ensure that this is occurring across the board, so that all eligible children can receive necessary services.”

Ness co-sponsored House Bill 290, which requires school districts to provide notification to the parent of a student with an individualized education program (IEP) that the student may be eligible to receive additional specified services, benefits or resources through PUNS. Ness’ bill was recently signed into law by the governor. Read More.

Join the Advisory Committee for Developmental Disabilities

Individuals who live with a developmental disability and their families, caregivers, advocates, educators, and professionals in the field are encouraged to join this committee. 

This committee will convene around certain issue areas to discuss legislation ideas, share experiences, explore various topics relating to the issue, and provide feedback and recommendations to Representative Ness.

If you are interested in joining one of these groups or would like more information, please email us at info@repsnessil66.com with the subject: Citizen Advisory Committee Information.