Click on the titles below to learn more about the resources available to you.
Duties of: (a) maintaining the central fiscal accounts of the state, and (b) ordering payments into and out of the funds held by the Treasurer of Illinois. Along with this duty, the Comptroller signs paychecks or grants approval to electronic payments made by the state to its employees and creditors. The Comptroller is also charged, by Illinois statute, with certain additional duties. In particular, the Comptroller regulates cemeteries under the Cemetery Care Act and is charged with the fiduciary protection of cemetery care funds used for the care and maintenance of Illinois gravesites.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois State Comptroller Website.
The duties of the Secretary of State’s office are divided among 21 departments, employing approximately 4,000 people. It is the Secretary of State’s duty to maintain official state records and the state seal. However, law and tradition have assigned many additional responsibilities to the office, which has one of the largest and most diverse collections of responsibilities of any of its counterparts nationwide. From issuing driver’s licenses and registering vehicles to promoting organ/tissue donation awareness, overseeing the Illinois State Library, and administering the state’s literacy efforts, the Secretary of State’s office directly touches the lives of nearly everyone in Illinois.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Secretary of State Office Website.
Managing, conserving, and protecting Illinois’ natural, recreational, and cultural resources, furthering the public’s understanding and appreciation of those resources, and promoting the education, science, and public safety of Illinois’ natural resources for present and future generations.
Additional information can be found on the Department of Natural Resources Website.
Illinois DCFS’ mission is to protect children who are reported to be abused or neglected and to increase their families’ capacity to safely care for them; provide for the well-being of children in our care; provide appropriate, permanent families as quickly as possible for those children who cannot safely return home; support early intervention and child abuse prevention activities and work in partnerships with communities to fulfill this mission.
Additional information can be found on the Department of Children & Family Services Website.
The Division of Financial Institutions regulates, and supervises non-banking financial institutions including credit unions, currency exchanges, title insurance underwriters, consumer credit services as well as a variety of other financial institutions.
Additional information can be found on the Department of Financial & Professional Regulation Website.
Mission to create equitable economic opportunities across the State of Illinois. By attracting and supporting major job creators, investing in communities, strengthening Illinois’ world-class workforce, fostering innovation, and ushering in the new clean energy economy.
Additional information can be found on the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Website.
Regulates investor-owned public utilities, interstate metro carriers, some towing companies, some rail transportation safety, and intrastate household goods movers.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Commerce Commission Website.
The Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) is responsible for planning and coordinating the state’s system of higher education. The Board analyzes the aims, needs, and requirements of Illinois higher education and modifies the policies that guide the state’s system of public and private colleges and universities.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Board of Higher Education Website.
Promotes education and awareness of the legal requirements for effective communication on behalf of people with hearing loss in Illinois. The Commission also advocates to improve communication access to all state programs and services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission Website.
The mission of the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities is to help lead change in Illinois so all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities exercise their right to equal opportunity and freedom.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Website.
It is the mission of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board to hear and adjudicate real property assessment disputes filed before it as authorized by law.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board Website.
Prevention of disease and injury. Protection of food, water, air, and environment. Promotion of safe and healthy communities.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Public Health Website.
Serving Illinois taxpayers by administering Illinois tax laws and collecting tax revenues in a fair, consistent, and efficient manner and by providing accurate and reliable funding and information in a timely manner.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Revenue Website.
Our mission is to provide safe, cost-effective transportation for Illinois’ residents and visitors in ways that enhance quality of life, promote economic prosperity, and demonstrate respect for the environment.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Transportation Website.
Among its duties, the Commission renders decisions involving claims of discrimination, approves settlements, and reviews dismissals of charges.
Additional information can be found on the State of Illinois Human Rights Commission Website.
The Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) administers the Illinois Human Rights Act. The IL Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination in Illinois with respect to employment, financial credit, public accommodations, housing, and sexual harassment, as well as sexual harassment in education.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Human Rights Website.
Providing equitable access to social/human services, supports, programs, and resources to enhance the lives of all who we serve.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Human Services Website.
To protect consumers by providing assistance and information, by efficiently regulating the insurance industry’s market behavior and financial solvency, and by fostering a competitive insurance marketplace.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Insurance Website.
Assists the community in navigating the system of federal state and local resources and benefits; by providing long-term health care for eligible veterans in our Veterans’ Homes; and by partnering with other agencies and non-profits to help veterans address education, mental health, housing, and employment.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs Website.
The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission resolves disputes between employees and employers regarding work-related injuries and illnesses.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Website.
Protects the environment by enforcing laws against pollution; protects consumers and businesses from deceptive practices; fights crime in partnering with local law enforcement agencies; and serves as an advocate for a broad range of constituencies.
Additional information can be found on the Office of the Illinois Attorney General’s Website.
IDHHC is an executive state agency that promotes education and awareness of the legal requirements for effective communication on behalf of people with hearing loss in Illinois. IDHHC assists individuals to ensure communication access is being provided.
Additional information can be found on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission Website.
The purpose of ICDD is to ensure that people with developmental disabilities participate and be included in everyday life and be able to choose the services and supports that best fit their needs.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities Website.
For hazard mitigation, emergency preparedness, disaster response, and disaster recovery throughout the state. It also monitors nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities and ensures proper operation of radiation-producing equipment.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Emergency Management Agency Website.
The McHenry County Division of Transportation promotes responsible public policy and ethical and high-quality services and is dedicated to providing enhanced mobility while promoting a safe and efficient transportation system.
Additional information can be found on the McHenry County Division of Transportation Website.
To provide and maintain a safe and efficient transportation system while maintaining the County’s visions and values.
Additional information can be found on the Kane County Division of Transportation Website.
Collects and disseminates crop and livestock information: inspects grain warehouse and dealer operations: grades eggs: analyzes feed, seed, and fertilizer: helps eradicate and control livestock license users: encourages farmland preservation, soil, and water conservation.
Additional information can be found on the Department of Agriculture Website.
The agency is responsible for providing construction management oversight for new construction, renovation projects, and other capital improvements to support the State’s vertical infrastructure portfolio.
Additional information can be found on the Capital Board of Development Website.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security is the code department of the Illinois state government that administers state unemployment benefits, runs the employment service and Illinois Job Bank, and publishes labor market information.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Employment Security Website.
The mission of the Illinois EPA is to safeguard environmental quality, consistent with the social and economic needs of the State of Illinois, so as to protect health, welfare, property, and quality of life.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Website.
The Commission is an executive state agency created to safeguard the rights of those with disabilities by providing legal representation, investigating complaints of rights violations, and providing state guardianship for Illinois’ population with disabilities.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission Website.
HFS works together to help Illinoisans access high-quality health care and fulfill child support obligations to advance their physical, mental, and financial well-being.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services Website.
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board is the state agency mandated to promote and maintain a high level of professional standards for law enforcement and correctional officers.
Additional information can be found on the Office of the State Treasurer Website.
The Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board is the state agency mandated to promote and maintain a high level of professional standards for law enforcement and correctional officers.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Website.
The Lieutenant Governor of Illinois handles a variety of responsibilities that have been delegated to the office via statute. In addition to these duties, the Lieutenant Governor can take on other duties as assigned by the governor or initiate duties of their own.
Additional information can be found on the Juliana Stratton, Lieutenant Governor’s Website.
The Illinois Department of Military Affairs directly supports the Illinois National Guard and oversees the Illinois State Military Museum, the Illinois Military Family Relief Fund, and Lincoln’s Challenge Academy. Maj. Gen. (ret.) William Cobetto is the Chief of Staff of the Illinois Department of Military Affairs.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Department of Military Affairs Website.
To provide the establishment of coherent, uniform, and workable environmental standards and regulations that restore, protect, and enhance the quality of Illinois’ environment.
Additional information can be found on the Illinois Pollution Control Board Website.
The State Fire Marshal’s Office provides professional personnel and programs for the citizens of Illinois and is committed to protecting life and property from fire and explosions through inspection, investigation, training, education, data processing, and statistical fire reports. The agency’s mission is dedicated to working with our partners and providing assistance to the fire service in the protection of life, property, and environment through communication, inspection, certification, and licensing.
Additional information can be found on the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal Website.
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