Manufacturing Workforce Training Needs
Representative Suzanne Ness of the 66th District in partnership with the IMA, invites you to attend a special event showcasing an Illinois business in her district which will include a tour and roundtable discussion.
Day will include a tour of the facility, discussion with other manufacturers, state legislators, local officials, state employees for the purpose of identifying manufacturer training needs, and State resources for Workforce Training and Development.
A Special Event Showcasing:
Manufacturing Workforce Training Needs
September 14th, 2021
Event Location:
Dies Plus – A Division of Otto Engineering
17 Cleveland Avenue
Carpentersville, IL 60110
Event Schedule:
Welcome and Introductions 9:00 – 9:30
Tour 9:30 – 10:15
Discussion 10:15 – 11:30
Light refreshments will be provided
OTTO Engineering, Inc.
OTTO designs, develops and manufactures control products and communication accessories in Carpentersville, IL USA. OTTO designs products specifically to meet their customers’ demanding applications.
DIES PLUS Tech Center A Division of OTTO
DIES PLUS facility has complete engineering capabilities for designing, building, debugging and maintaining short run tooling, to high speed, large volume stamping dies There are currently 50 employees at the Tech Center; including 14 apprentices that train at OTTO by day and attend the Tooling and Manufacturing School at night.
Illinois Manufacturers’ Association
The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association is marching forward, side-by-side with industry to address challenges and shape the future. A powerful and respected leader from the White House to the Governor’s Office, Congress to the General Assembly, and City Halls across the state, the IMA is the unifying voice and champion of manufacturing in Illinois.
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